Children in Care: Preserving Family Connections? FULLY BOOKED

Forrest Hills, 19th September 2019, 10.00 - 4.45
The Centre for Child and Family Justice in partnership with the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory, welcomes Australian colleagues to share new research with a specific focus on children in care and questions of family ties and connections. Members of CFJ will also present highlights from recent projects and research reviews. External policy and practice colleagues are very welcome and should sign up for the event through Eventbrite.
Deborah Woodcock (Director of Operations - Stockport Family and Principal Social Worker) will chair the event. All those attending will receive a copy of the new rapid evidence review on Special Guardianship, published by the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory.
In addition, we will share updates on CFJ upcoming events, Nuffield FJO plans and new research projects.
You can sign up on Eventbrite using the following link:
Please email Chris Millan at if you have any further questions.
The programme is as follows: