Seminar recording available: Curiosity-driven, accessible tools for democratising data: social work and children’s services
19th October 2020
Calum Webb, from the Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, gave the second Data Science Institute Wednesday Lunchtime Talk of the term on 21st October from 12.30-1.30.
A recording of the talk is available here.
Title: Curiosity-driven, accessible tools for democratising data: social work and children’s services
Abstract: Calum Webb will present his experience of translating a quantitative research project that used a range of open government data into a web application that was targeted towards social workers, support workers, and a non-technical public audience. This presentation will reflect on the challenges and opportunities that developing the Child Welfare Inequalities Project Shiny App created, and how quantitative research scientists might consider engaging with tools like Shiny that can be picked up by users with limited knowledge of programming to create more meaningful and democratic engagement with their research. The CWIP App shows that little projects by non-specialists can have huge impacts if the creator is listening carefully to how their audience engages with what’s already out there. The talk is aimed at researchers, data scientists, research-engaged professionals, and the public.
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