Two articles by CFJ researchers published in new edition of the Prison Service Journal

A special issue of the Prison Service Journal published this month (available here) focuses specifically on care-experience and the criminal justice system. It also features two open access articles by CFJ researchers.
‘‘Out of Place’: The Criminalisation of Black and Minority Ethnic Looked After Children in England and Wales” by Dr Katie Hunter reports on her ESRC-funded doctoral research on care-experience, ethnicity and youth justice system contact. The describes the ‘double whammy’ of disadvantage that children in care who come from an ethnic minority background can experience when involved in the youth justice system.
Please email Katie for further details about this work:
The special issue of the journal also features an article by Dr Claire Fitzpatrick on "Challenging Perceptions of Care-Experienced Girls and Women". This draws on an interview study funded by Lancaster University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Claire’s article highlights the potential damage created by negative judgements of care-experienced girls and women in conflict with the law that may emerge in a variety of professional spaces.
Please email Claire for further details about this work: