Upcoming event: ReproFest 2022 - reproductive justice, health and rights

Register NOW to attend this FREE in-person event at the GHS Enterprise in the heart of Preston on Friday 29th April. On the day you can come along anytime between 9.30am and 4pm. The event will focus on Reproductive Justice, health and rights, prioritising the experience of people who may be treated unfairly in reproductive decision making.
The event is being hosted as a way to hear about and tell others about, a wide range of topics related to reproductive health and decisions. For example experience of child removal; pregnancy and birth in prison; consent; contraception; and so on.
This event is for EVERYONE who has an interest in these topics and questions through their own lives or work. There will be a range of ways to take part to suit different people's comfort and interest. The creative workshop activities will provide an opportunity for you to share whatever aspect of reproduction matters to YOU. Speakers, film and chatting with others will create an opportunity for you to hear about other activities going on (activism, research and organisations).
The CFJ’s own Dr Jasmine Fledderjohann will be presenting her recent collaborative work on food insecurity as a Reproductive Justice issue. Other currently confirmed guests include Birth Companions, BigBirthas, Shine Aloud UK and Inclusion North.
If you need support to attend (travel costs or taxis from the station etc.) please get in contact with the organisers at reprofest@gmail.com, as there is funding available. Free hot and cold food and drinks will be available all day. You are welcome to bring children.
Registration is via Eventbrite.